AutoFillr: The Chrome Extension That Fills Out Your Forms Correctly

Hello everyone!

Today, I want to tell you about a Chrome extension that will make your life easier: AutoFillr.

This tool automatically fills out web forms for you. It might sound simple, but wait until you see it in action.

You know the hassle of online forms—name, first name, address, phone number, email… It’s always the same old story. We waste so much time entering all this information, especially on mobile. With big fingers, hitting the right fields can be a real challenge. And don’t even get me started on the nightmare of creating an account—password, confirm password, postal code… Argh!

I know there are already browsers or password managers that do this, but they’re not perfect. Sometimes certain fields are not filled in correctly. That’s where AutoFillr comes in. This little extension will literally fill in the fields for you, thanks to its AI that can handle even the most convoluted forms. No more racking your brains to find your phone number or address (Yes, I’m five years old) or having to complete things that were filled out incorrectly.

You can download AutoFillr here, and once installed, it will spring into action whenever you encounter an online form. It will detect the various fields and offer to pre-fill them for you. All you need to do is check that everything is correct and confirm.

Rest assured, you retain full control over your personal data, as it does not store anything online—all information is kept locally in Chrome. And if you ever decide to start fresh, you can easily reset the extension. Your information will be erased, like magic.

Discover it here.

Mohamed SAKHRI
Mohamed SAKHRI

I'm the creator and editor-in-chief of Tech To Geek. Through this little blog, I share with you my passion for technology. I specialize in various operating systems such as Windows, Linux, macOS, and Android, focusing on providing practical and valuable guides.

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