Tired of proprietary cloud services exploiting your personal data? Dreaming of hosting your favorite apps yourself but afraid you lack the skills? Well, I’ve got just the thing for you, friends!
It’s called Ethibox, and it’s a very handy solution for easily deploying your open-source apps on your own server! You choose your app from their catalog, which includes more than 40 (classics like Nextcloud, WordPress, Mastodon…), click install, and voilà, a few minutes later, it’s ready!
No need to be a system administration guru; it handles everything: dependencies, configuration, updates…
It’s an open-source tool, and you can find the source code here. You will still need some basic knowledge to choose your host, manage your domain name, and take care of security and maintenance. Nothing insurmountable, and the project’s community is there to help. However, Ethibox.fr offers a paid plan where they take care of everything if you’re interested.
And to install it in Docker:
docker run --name ethibox -p 3000:3000 ethibox/ethibox
This way, you can install Nextcloud for your file storage/sharing, Framadate for your polls, Wallabag to save articles… And why not a MediaWiki for your notes, Commento for your blog comments, or maybe even Mastodon?