Github2file: Share Your Code with AI Chatbots

Who hasn’t thought, “Hey, it would be cool to give all my code to my chatbot so it can help me debug this mess”?

Well, that’s exactly what github2file allows you to do.

This little Python script will connect directly to your GitHub repository, suck up all your code in the blink of an eye, and produce a neat, clean text file, ready to be sent to your favorite AI. The best part is that you can filter files by language (Python or Go), remove comments and docstrings if you want, choose the branch or tag to download, and even exclude certain directories or file types. In short, you’re the boss!

Here’s a quick example. Let’s say you want to send the code from the famous Hugging Face Transformers repository to your chatbot.

Easy! Just type this in your terminal:


And you’ll get a file called transformers_python.txt containing all the Python code from the repository. If you prefer Go, just replace the --lang option with “go” and you’re done. Easy!

And if your repository is private, don’t worry, github2file has thought of everything! Just provide your username and a GitHub personal access token, and it will handle it like a pro:


No more headaches for sharing your code with chatbots! No need to copy-paste endlessly or upload dozens of files manually. To test it out, check it out here.

With this, you have everything you need to become a pro at sharing code with AIs. So, get typing, and show us what you can do! 🙌

See you soon on Tech To Geek.

Mohamed SAKHRI
Mohamed SAKHRI

I'm the creator and editor-in-chief of Tech To Geek. Through this little blog, I share with you my passion for technology. I specialize in various operating systems such as Windows, Linux, macOS, and Android, focusing on providing practical and valuable guides.

Articles: 1751

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