Hide What You Dislike: The Chrome Extension to Filter Out Everything You Dislike

If you’re tired of constantly encountering content you don’t like while browsing, you can easily filter out unwanted elements with this Chrome extension.

It’s called Hide What You Dislike, and it allows you to instantly hide anything that gets on your nerves while you’re surfing the web. Whether it’s a link, image, or text—nothing stands in its way! Spot something annoying? Just right-click, and the magic option “Hide entries with this link” appears to banish it forever. Handy, right?

“But what if I make a mistake and hide something I wanted to keep?”

No worries, the developers have thought of everything! Just head to the extension’s options, where you’ll find a list of all the hidden elements. Simply click on the little red cross, and voilà—the banned content reappears as if by magic. In short, you remain in control!

In terms of performance, it’s optimized to handle hundreds of filters without slowing down your browsing. Technically, you could achieve the same result with any ad blocker, but with this extension, it’s much easier to do.

Take YouTube, for example. Its native channel blocking option only works on suggested videos and not on search results. And it’s impossible to block by keywords. So, if you want to hide all videos that mention “Hanouna” in the title, YouTube won’t let you, but with Hide What You Dislike, it’s a piece of cake!

There you have it—it’s free, infinitely customizable, and available here. What more could you ask for?

Oh, I almost forgot an important detail… this extension doesn’t track you! No tracking, no analytics—everything is local by default. And if you log in via Google to save your filters in the cloud, only the domain name and filter are transmitted. Your privacy stays private, as it should.

See you soon on Tech To Geek.

Mohamed SAKHRI
Mohamed SAKHRI

I'm the creator and editor-in-chief of Tech To Geek. Through this little blog, I share with you my passion for technology. I specialize in various operating systems such as Windows, Linux, macOS, and Android, focusing on providing practical and valuable guides.

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