OpenHue: Harness the Power of Philips Hue Connected Lighting with this Open-Source API

Personally, I don’t have one at home, but I know that Philips Hue connected bulbs are a real success and that many of you are equipped with them.

However, to take advantage of this intelligent lighting system, which allows you to control the ambiance of your home in the blink of an eye, you need dedicated applications.

Have you ever dreamed of creating your own app to control your Hue bulbs? If so, then this open-source project is for you!

OpenHue offers a complete OpenAPI specification for the Philips Hue REST API (CLIP API). This makes it easier to integrate and control Philips Hue lighting systems across its various applications, improving user experiences and saving you development time.

Let’s say you want to create an application to automate lighting settings based on the time of day, your mood, or even based on the music you listen to. With OpenHue, you can integrate Philips Hue into your application and create personalized lighting scenarios that meet your exact needs.

To start using OpenHue’s OpenAPI specification, simply go to the GitHub releases page and download the openhue.yaml file. Once you have the file, import it into Postman to test the API and generate client code with tools like openapi-generator-cli. The specs are also available on this site:

Before embarking on the adventure, make sure you have Node.js and NPM installed on your machine. Next, make a copy of the project from GitHub and configure the development environment by installing Redocly CLI. Using this tool, you will be able to validate and build the OpenAPI specification and create HTML documentation related to your project.

OpenHue is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license, making it open and free for everyone to use and contribute to.

Those are the main points. It’s now up to you to explore OpenHue and give free rein to your creativity in terms of connected lighting. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a curious beginner, OpenHue is a great tool for integrating and controlling Philips Hue into your applications.

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Mohamed SAKHRI
Mohamed SAKHRI

I'm the creator and editor-in-chief of Tech To Geek. Through this little blog, I share with you my passion for technology. I specialize in various operating systems such as Windows, Linux, macOS, and Android, focusing on providing practical and valuable guides.

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