PR-Agent – To automate the analysis of Pull Requests and many other tasks on your Github, Gitlab projects, and more

If you contribute to open-source projects on Github, Gitlab, or Bitbucket and have to deal with tons of issues, questions, and pull requests every day, here is a tool powered by AI that should serve you well.

This tool is PR-Agent, developed by CodiumAI. It’s an AI agent using GPT-4 that can take the pressure off you by automatically generating clear and concise pull request descriptions, automatically reviewing code, or simply answering questions that people ask repeatedly.

PR-Agent, a bit like Github Copilot, is also capable of making suggestions to improve the code on your repository and, of course, writing commits if needed.

To use PR-Agent, once launched, simply use the following commands:

  • Auto-description (/describe): Automatically generates a PR (Pull Request) description – title, type, summary, code description, and tags.
  • Auto Review (/review): Provides adjustable feedback on the main topic of the PR, its type, relevant tests, security issues, score, and various suggestions for the content of the PR.
  • Answer to questions (/ask…): Responds to free-text questions about the PR.
  • Code Suggestions (/improve): Provides committable code suggestions to improve the PR.
  • Changelog Update (/update_changelog): Automatically updates the file with PR changes.
  • Find Similar Issue (/similar_issue): Automatically retrieves and presents similar issues.
  • Add Documentation (/add_docs): Automatically adds documentation to undocumented functions/classes in the PR.
  • Generate Custom Labels (/generate_labels): Automatically suggests custom labels based on code changes from the PR.

In short, PR-Agent is a big, big time saver. If you want to test it before deploying it to your repositories, you can do so on the Codium AI public repository by calling the agent like this: @CodiumAI-Agent /COMMAND

Now it’s your turn!

PR-Agent is available here and can be installed directly via Docker.

Mohamed SAKHRI
Mohamed SAKHRI

I'm the creator and editor-in-chief of Tech To Geek. Through this little blog, I share with you my passion for technology. I specialize in various operating systems such as Windows, Linux, macOS, and Android, focusing on providing practical and valuable guides.

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