When you have a computer full of software, it quickly becomes complicated to keep track of which ones need updates. Additionally, some programs don’t even notify you when updates are available. In such situations, it is essential to resort to a dedicated tool, such as QuickInstaller. This software for Windows simplifies the installation, uninstallation, and updating of all your software in just one click! To find out more about this tool and how it works, we invite you to continue reading this article.
QuickInstaller: 3-in-1 Software
QuickInstaller is free software available on Windows that offers centralized and simplified management of your software. It provides a clean and intuitive interface divided into three main sections: “Installed Programs,” “Portable Programs,” and “Browse Programs.”
In the “Installed Programs” section, QuickInstaller displays the complete list of software installed on your machine. Each entry presents detailed information such as the name of the software, the current version, the version of the latest update available, its weight, or the installation date. A status indicator lets you know at a glance if an update is available or if the software is up to date (“OK” if no update or “Update Available” if an update is available). To update, simply check the corresponding box and click on the “Update” button. During our tests, only the Discord software failed to update, and we do not know the reason…
The “Portable Programs” section is dedicated to portable software on your computer. You can easily check if an update is available and, if necessary, remove programs that are no longer useful to you.
Finally, the “Browse Programs” section is your gateway to discovering and installing new software. With a library of 680 programs divided into different categories like maintenance, media, internet, security, productivity, utilities, and hardware, you’re sure to find what you need. Filter options by category, type, license, and installation make searching even easier. QuickInstaller allows batch installation and silent installation, saving you the hassle of individual installations and incessant pop-ups.
Although it is not as powerful as WingetUI, QuickInstaller stands out for its simplicity and efficiency, making managing the software installed on your computer a much less arduous task. Whether installing, uninstalling, or updating software, it offers a centralized solution that will suit most users.